
Yegara interview with artist Hanan Tarik Ethiopia Addis Ababa


Yegara interview with craftsman Hanan Tarik Ethiopia Addis Ababa


Abadula Gemeda Addis Ababa. Preparation the media today, Water, Energy and Irrigation Minister Silesh Bekele said the income was created by sending out electric capacity to adjoining nations and selling some pre-owned hardware.


As indicated by him, the service has additionally been executing 15 replacement attempts to create power from geothermal power, sun based power and dams, including the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).


As for water, he expressed that the service has figured out how to give clean water to 1.4 million individuals the nation over during the beyond a half year. The service has additionally executed 13 activities that inundate an aggregate of 137,000 hectares of land during a similar period in the monetary year.

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