I met Zema Yared, wonderful children


Julian is not the ordinary actor who lives for himself. A ham, Julian is not. Julian is modest, committed and sincere. When he is in the classroom, he is constantly fully committed and listens with both the head and his heart. He goes above and above to show kindness and assistance. He is so anxious to encourage a fellow student to help move a cumbersome piece or solve a sound problem. However, Julian is a poor actor at this time on stage, and my heart hurts.




I give him honest criticism in the most understanding way I can, and he is horrified. The problem is that he put so much effort in his preparation and he has such a strong desire for success that he cannot understand why he is failing. Acting does not have an inherent right. A wide variety of descriptive adjectives can be used to describe the performance, including precise, knowledgeable, emotionally resonant, transcendent, moving and evocative action.


Julian Rapea at the door. When opening it, his partner finds him in a position that seemed fun, interesting and charming with the other actors. However, Julian is all stress and options described. Julian demonstrates his words when he awkwardly enters the platform, because all drunk people fall and mutter, right? He makes an additional effort to show me that he completed his task. He is actually squeezing his hands in an effort to pretend anger. He could also be acting silent.

Sample Category #2
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