
Alemayehu Tadesse and Artist Marta Getachew


The life of the ladies in Ethiopia, especially in the country regions, is shocking. The young ladies who posted to go to class have a greater danger of being assaulted, stolen and offered without their desire. In addition, the majority of Ethiopia schools do not have clean latrines for young ladies and that put them in a condition of embarrassment, especially during their female period. They like to stay at home than going to class during their rules and as a result, feminine sublines will mark helpless ticastic results. Assuming that a feminine lining is missing 7 days on menstruation, it will miss 70 classes in a multi-month school year. It is a major catastrophe for solitary self-education. The question of disinfection of latrine is a basic problem in metropolitan ethiopia and even less in the rustic parts.


Assuming that the young woman will determine how to support these many difficulties and graduates from the school, she will have an abuse more in her work environment. Most Ethiopian men do not recognize the ladies. Men in Ethiopia are still uncertain assuming that a lady can think, work and serve in the same way with a man. It suffices for some Ethiopians consider that people for different purposes than sex devices.

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