Tedyo and Teddy Afro written music lyrics


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An establishment stone has been laid for the development of a cutting edge stop on Lake Dundee




An establishment stone has been laid for the development of a cutting edge eco-the travel industry stop on Lake Dendi, part of the Gebeta for Country Project.


An establishment stone has been laid for the development of a cutting edge eco-the travel industry stop in Lake Dendi, 127 km from Addis Ababa, West Shoa Zone, Oromia National Region.


Oromia Regional State President Shimeles Abdissa and Petro Salini, CEO of Wei Build Construction Company of Italy, established the groundwork stone.


The occasion was gone to by different authorities and nearby occupants, including the Wonchi Dendi Eco-Tourism Project Coordinator and Minister of Defense, Dr. Abraham Belay.


Around the same time, he called attention to that the principal motivation behind the table for the nation project is to guarantee the advantage of the nearby local area.


As indicated by another media organization, the development of the Echo Tourism Integrated Eco Tourism Project, which will be created by Gebeta on March 11, 2013, was begun by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.


Teddyo is a popular Ethiopian rapper. His tunes are exceptional in their inclination.

Sample Category #2
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