
Artist Sayat Demissie met with her lover


Gelila is one of the lead entertainer of Betoch TV series. Beotcb is the longest television series on ETV meznagna station.As a nation ... the greatest danger is the old philosophy of 'me and my country, my religion is prevalent'!"




Ethiopia | Talking at the Fiche Chambalala Celebration in Sidama, Oromia Local State Boss Shimeles Abdissa said we Ethiopians can stand together and guarantee the solidarity and thriving of our country.


Shimeles said the country ought to commend its separation by reinforcing its solidarity and opposing troublesome powers.


He said the country ought to zero in on improvement and training, particularly on advancement and schooling, to guarantee the nation's future.


He said individuals of Sidama are showing their fortitude and fortitude on the event of Separation Chambalala.


Ethiopianness is us; "Regardless of the distinctions in race, identity, religion, orientation and age, we are living in when variety and love and collaboration and solidarity are showing like never before previously," Shimeles said.


Talking on the event, President Shimeles Abdissa said Ethiopia is based on the soul of Ethiopians.


He said the new year ought to be a period of harmony, bliss and flourishing for individuals of Sidama.

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