News from Kombolcha


Addressing isn't terrible teaching method, however it ought not be the essential or sole means for guidance. Addressing can in any case be in numerous ways a proficient type of passing on huge amounts of data, particularly when it is painstakingly arranged and incorporates actuating components to understudies. Giving admittance to address content by means of innovation accomplishes more than save class time. It permits understudies to see or hear illustrations on various occasions. The flip adjusts the prerequisite of covering content with the chance to apply the hypothesis being learned (Toto and Nguyen 2009). 


2. Advancement of Flipped Classroom model in HAMK 


The objective of HAMK is to additionally foster the concentrating on course of the Master's Degrees more adaptable and working-life arranged. The point is to build the grown-up students' own liability and independence in their learning interaction, just as to offer innovative work opportunities for territorial enterprises, organizations and businesses. In "Making a solid R&D profile for Master's Degree programs" project the examinations were overhauled and changed from instructor focused addressing to understudy focused learning by executing the Flipped Classroom model, and likewise, the Scrum model (Schwaber and Sutherland 2013; Larman 2004) in learning. The Scrum model underlines the cooperation, plainly characterized learning errands, day by day group gatherings and one-month learning run segments. The Scrum cycle is deft, iterative and incorporates straightforwardness, subsequent meet-ups and constant change and improvement of the interaction.

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