Hanna Yohannes:


Today, we had a useful conversation with 16 thousand youngsters of our city at the Thousand years Corridor under the witticism "Sensible youth for the flourishing of Addis Ababa".


The youngsters introduced their requests, yet in addition let us know that they comprehend the job we have played in facilitating the strain of the general public since the change. Among the inquiries they raised, the fundamental one is that work creation is suitable and convenient, so it will be answered at each level, and we have affirmed that the 70/30 lodging development won't just settle the absence of lodging supply in our city, yet in addition set out work open doors for 210 thousand youngsters.


The youngsters of our city realize that you live in a city that has extraordinary expectations, rather than isolating, fortify your fraternity and effectively partake in exercises that can transform you. We will work indefatigably to stay faithful to our obligations.


"Dargaggoo sababatti amanu Badhaadhina Finfinneetiif" dhaadannoo jedhuun har'a dargaggoota agalaa keenyaa kuma 16 ta'an waliin galma miiliniyeemiitti marii firii qabeessa taaisneerra.


Dargaggoonni gaafii qofa osoo hin taane jijjiiramaa asitti hojiilee hojjanne gama ba'aa jirinnya hawaasaa furuutiin shoora taphatan akka hubatan nutti himaniiru. Gaafilee kaasan keessaa inni hangafaa gaafiin carraa hojii uumuu irratti ka'e gaafii waktaawaa fi barbaachisoo waan ta'eef sadarkaa sadarkaan deebii hatattamaa akka argatan kan ta'u wayita ta'u, Ijaarsi manneen jirinyaa 70/30 hanqina dhiyeessa mana agalaa keenyatti mul' atu furuun alatti dargaggoota kuma 210 ta'aniif carraa hojii kan uumu ta'uu mirkaneessineefii jira.


Dargaggoonni agalala keenyaa agalala abdii guddaa qabdu akka jirtan hubattanii wal qooduurra obbolummaa keessan cimsuun hojiilee jirinya keessan jijjiiruu danda'an qofarratti xiyyeeffachuun si'aayinaan irratti hirmaadhaa; nutis osoo dadhabne hin jedhin waadaa galle eegnee boqonnaa malee nihojjanna.

Sample Category #1
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