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Employers tend to utilize default remuneration styles despite the historical failure of the tried and true solutions that have been used to address conditions in the new organisation (Tropman, 2001:18). It is worth noting that organisations depend on the commitment and motivation of their employees. Overloading them, stressing them, micro-managing them, or letting work spill over into their private lives does not develop the engagement and loyalty organisations need to succeed (Cooper, 2008:18).


According to Tropman (2001:18), repeated attempts are sustained in part by false theories about the employees, which form an integral element in the resistance to change. 


These false theories are explained by Tropman (2001:18) as follows:


      Misunderstanding of the motivational component of performance

      Misunderstanding of the importance of Theory Y

      Misunderstanding of job structures and the order of satisfaction with work and the completion of good work

      Misunderstanding of job satisfiers and job dissatisfiers

      Misunderstanding of the motivational structure of the employee

      Misunderstanding of the cultural conflict between achievement and equality in the workplace

      Misunderstanding of the motivational hierarchy of needs


For the purpose of this paper, the importance of these theories can be explained as follows:

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