
Ethiopian Mekdes Tsegaye


The custom of cutting sanctuaries out of rock, really confirmed in the previous periods, is here taken to an unbelievable level. The sacred spots, a couple of which are unsupported, for instance, Beta Giorgis (Church of St. George, picture at top of page), have more definite and especially described façades. They consolidate underlying parts invigorated by structures from the Expect Time frame. Besides, a couple, for instance, Beta Maryam, feature faultless inside upgrades (above), which are furthermore removed of the stone, similarly as divider craftsmanships. The internal parts of the houses of prayer blend Expect parts with later parts of Copto-Arabic acceptance. In Beta Maryam, for example, the designing parts, for instance, the cut capitals and window frames — duplicate Expect models (see underneath), however the pieces can be differentiated and those in the obsolete Cloister of St. Antony at the Red Ocean.

Sample Category #1
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