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As in all Oriental Orthodox Churches, the Ethiopia Orthodox Church grounded on the Apostle's insight of Jesus Christ who is Creator and Savior of the World.


The three offices of the board of Nicaea on 325A. D, the get-together of Constantinople 381A. D, and Cepheus 431A. D which conceded the Son of God and blamed Arius' formula are totally been recognized by the Ethiopia Orthodox Church, but the Ethiopia Orthodox Church denies the Council of Chalcedony at 451A. D coordinated by Pope Leo I which addresses the condition of the "two characteristics" against that of "one nature".


The Ethiopia Orthodox Church builds that all regarding Jesus Christ should be related to his entire person as one God. Not to single out the "Human nature" as presented to hunger, energy, persevering, etc, Properties odd to the human are implied his Divine powers as God shed blood, God was executed, God passed on, and God was rose for the saving, in light of everything.


The seven sacred observances Penance, purification, unction of the cleared out, insistence, favored demands, superb association and marriage are critical in the teaching of the Ethiopia Orthodox Church.


Moreover, the Ethiopian Church addresses the five backbones of Mysteries where the assembly is undauntedly grounded. These are the Mystery of the Trinity, Incarnation, Baptism, Holy Communion, and the Mystery of the Resurrection. These Mysteries are considered by the Church as fundamental data for all and every Christian ought to understand these. Fasting is thoroughly gone along by totally purified through water people from the assembly who are at least seven. During credited; any meat and things animals are disallowed.


Additionally, all Christians ought to keep the Ten Commandments that were given to Moses from God and the six accounts of the new affirmation in Matt. 25:35-36, to procure perpetual life in heaven. In the splendid second happening to Jesus Christ, the dead will be raised and rapscallions will get discipline according to their offense. Thusly, everyone is liable for his/her own submitted bad behavior


On the Maundy Thursday Jesus started the mystery of the holy cooperation at the Last Supper. "For as much of the time as you eat this bread, and drink the cup, you really do shoe the expert's downfall till he comes" (1 Corinthian 11:26). The Eucharist a sacred recognition to accomplish relationship with God and far off from our bad behavior.


5-Mystery of Resurrection


The mystery of Resurrection is about the constant presence of individuals. We will reestablish after we fail horrendously as Christ did which will happen at the second happening to Christ. "Nevertheless, Christ has been raised from the dead, the essential results of the people who have fallen asleep. For since death got past a man, the reclamation of the dead comes similarly through a man. Yet again for as in Adam all pass on, so in Christ, all will be made alive." (first Corinthians 15:20)

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