
What happen on mesud


Well known performer Ephraim Tamru Seifu on EBS - Interview with Vocalist Epherem Tameru


"About This Year | Wey Zendro", "The Human Establishment | Sew Meseretu", "You are on my eyes | Walshisa Baynie", "All that I Told You | Yenegerkush Hulu", "Don't Think twice about It Later | Hola Enedayekochesh", "My First | Yemejemeryaye"


We all should uphold crafted by building serious areas of strength for a military that safeguards the power of the nation and is the property of individuals - Director of the Gathering of Ideological groups working together




Dr. Mebratu Alemu, Director of the Cooperative Committee of Ethiopian Ideological groups, said that we ought to all help and help crafted by building major areas of strength for a military that is a public resource and a public resource.


The wrongness of the association of provincial exceptional powers, the impression of one another as a danger among districts, and the development to tackle issues forcibly have constrained the redesign of the extraordinary powers.


The revamping of provincial exceptional powers by government and local security organizations was audited two days prior within the sight of Head of General Staff Field Marshal Birhanu Jula, commanders, bureaucratic police and territorial authorities.


In the gathering, it was referenced that the rearrangement work has been fortified in all areas and since April 7, 2015, there is no association and design called territorial extraordinary power, the field marshal affirmed.


Dr. Mebratu Alemu, Administrator of the Committee of Ethiopian Ideological groups, addressed ESA on a similar issue working closely together. They discuss the way that the exceptional power coordinated by the states for a really long time is unlawful.


He likewise reviewed that the association and execution of exceptional powers was not predictable in the states and was not represented by similar regulations and guidelines.


ESA likewise revealed that how the territorial unique powers were fabricated was to serve a couple of legislators as opposed to safeguarding the security of the nation and individuals.


Along these lines, Dr. Mebratu expressed that the redesign of the provincial extraordinary powers by the government and local security establishments is essential for building a unified public armed force in Ethiopia and making enduring harmony and steadiness.


He said that the security structure in not entirely set in stone by protection, government police, territorial police and civilian army as it were.


Dr. Mebratu added that we ought to all help and help crafted by building major areas of strength for a public armed force that is the security of Ethiopia's sway and the resources of individuals.

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