
Sad story of the mother


The Ethiopia Universal Church acknowledges both the Hebrew Scripture and the new confirmation. The congregation contains 46 books of the Hebrew Scriptures including the book of Maccabees, a book of Ezra, books of Enoch and Celebration and 27 books of the Hebrew Scriptures I


Doctrinal Lessons


The Ethiopia Universal Church is grounded on five mainstays of secret


It is a confidence in one God unceasingly exists three consubstantial people (the dad, the child, and the Essence of God). The teaching of the trinity is viewed as one of the focal Christian statements about God.


The secret of Manifestation makes sense of one of the three consubstantial people 'the child' or Jesus Christ "was made tissue" from the belly of the sacred lady, the virgin Mary. It involves Jesus is completely God and full man.


The secret of Sanctification is the principal access to the Ethiopian Customary church and support of its consecrated elegance. Since we get the imperceptible elegance of reception through noticeable execution it used to be known as a secret. "He that accepts and submersed will be saved, however he that believeth not will be cursed." (John 19:34)


On the Maundy Thursday Jesus established the secret of the sacred fellowship at the Last Dinner. "For as frequently as you eat this bread, and drink the cup, you truly do shoe the master's passing till he comes" (1 Corinthian 11:26). The Eucharist a holy observance to achieve association with God and distant from our transgression.

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