Zehabesha 3 Breaking news


The nine advantages of the dates. The dates are a fundamentally tropical natural product that takes place in the date palm trees. It is experimentally known as Phoenix Dactylifera and is perhaps the most solid organic product throughout the planet. Go under the classification of dry natural products, the dates are exceptionally nutritious and surprisingly delicious. The dates also assume a significant part in the social legacy of many centers of the East Countries. The name date is obtained from the Greek roots after the name Gaktulos, which makes an interpretation of English to the expression "fingers" as a tribute to the impossible to lose the state of the organic product. Date palms are experimentally known as Phoenix Dactylifera and have a place with the Araceae family.


The fiber content on dates is very high, this can be deeply useful for people who experience medical problems caused by sporadic defecations. An examination led to understanding the dates of the impacts. We have the problems of impulse and the problems related to the digestive system as an evil colorectal growth, a meeting of 21 Guineas pigs were made to eat around 7 dates each day and was seen that it had standard solid downloads and creation of incessant stools. He contrasted with another meeting that did not give dates. The examination went on to verify whether the non-solvent fiber can respond with the microbiota in the digestive organs to reduce the likelihood of colon malignancy. The results showed no great expansion in the response to the microbiota, however, showed critical expansion in the routility of solid downloads along with the recurrence of stool creation.

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