Dr abiy ahmed message


Different records have since emerged with respect to the start of the conflict. The way wherein the dispute started and different performers became involved is obfuscated. As can be expected, the different belligerents have different stories to explain the episode of the conflict on November fourth. On the one side, the Ethiopian focal government ensures that the Tigray nearby government was illegitimately picked and that the public power party, the TPLF, "and their partners", did baseless attacks against the Ethiopian National Defense Forces' Northern Command. This request, which is depended with getting the Northern limit against Eritrea, was one of the most incredible gave, ready and furnished requests in Ethiopia. As a result of these attacks on the Northern Command, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and the Ethiopian public government articulated a legitimateness action and started errands in Tigray.


On the contrary side the Tigrayans ensure that they had verification that the Ethiopian focal government was setting up an attack to take out the picked regional government, and that Tigrayan powers attacked the Northern Command bases prudently to impede this "plot".

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