
What happen in addis abeba


Meeting with the student student Professor Fikre Tolossa on Yegna Neger Show. Dr. Fikre states that I had lived outside Ethiopia for a very long time and I am extremely out of the current reality in Ethiopia. To define everything on the right track, despite the fact that I have been escaped my country for a long time because I suspect he did, I have been researching and doing research since 1998 when I have been Posted by the United Nations to educate at Addis Ababa University as a teacher visiting. I was also appointed under the support of the Swedish Government to educate in another college as a visitor teacher in 2011.




In addition, I was greeted by Addis Ababa University to focus on improving its alumni program with many talented Ethiopian researchers at home and around the world. In addition, there were times when the college paid my costs to make a trip to Addis Ababa to evaluate the doctorate graduated in political theory. During the previous 20 years, I realized a great exploration subsidized by my college in Ethiopia.




To satisfy the reason, I went to Ethiopia for at least 3 months consistently and in 2016, I had been in Addis for a very long time when I presented an article in a rally from the University of Western Michigan to the Addis Ababa University and really examined research on the Social Studies Forum with Professor Bahru Zewde, the time of Dr. Fikre led her favorite of her favor. In this way, I'm not as far from the truth in my country other than it does.

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