What happen in addis abeba


These Tirana pilgrims received land, admission to bank loans and agricultural motorization to abuse the fruitful area of ​​Wellie. In the episode of war, these tirana pilgrims have been evaluated to reach a large part of 1,000,000. An explanation The PLF necessary to add in this town was to give access to you Gray safely to the Sudan in the possibility of shutting down that you should pronounce the autonomy: the PLF B. Agreement A is to execute Ethiopia in unfinished manner And Plan B is to pronounce autonomy if and when the TPL is clear to have their path in the legislative problems of Ethiopia. Therefore, those who adhere to the well-established name of the Front of the Liberation of Gray Ti, even after the administration of the entire Ethiopian State.




Who are the new Ethiopian marginalized in Sudan?




The extraordinary participation of the lion of unexpected appearances are accepted to be the ethnic pilgrims of Tirana of the territories that rapidly border Sudan. Consequently, most of them were tirana inhabitants added by the Adhara domains. These meetings, instead of ti gray visits, the proper west of the TEPEE River, are close to the limit and needed to walk a couple of hours for not exactly one day.

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