Debretsion Gebremichael letter


The appointments were driven by the name of Ethiopia PM and unknown pastor, Dem Eke Mennen, and the priest of Sudan, responsible for the Office, Omar Mani.




Tandock and the Ethiopian partner Abiy Ahmed had on Sunday, he attended on the discussions on the edges of a higher point of the local alliance of Djibouti, the Intergovernmental Development Authority.




Two-day talks in Khartoum arrive seven days after Ethiopian powers supposedly trap Sudanese soldiers along the limit, leaving four dead and more than 20 injured. The most challenged regional configuration, there is a region of 250 square kilometers (100 square miles) where Ethiopian ranches develop mature land in an area guaranteed by Sudan.




The border area The Gray District of Ethiopia, where the fighting was unleashed a month ago, making a large number of Ethiopians escape and cross in Sudan.




Sudan and Ethiopia share a line of 1,600 kilometers (almost 1,000 miles).,


In 1902, an agreement to elaborate Boondocks was beaten among Britain, the power of the border in Sudan at that time, and Ethiopia, however, understanding needed light contour lines.

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