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The objective of UDL is to provide inclusive educational methods for a diverse group of people with different skills and abilities (Scott & McGuire, 2008; Ostroff, 2011; Ceresnova, Peňáz, and Di Bucchianico, 2018, p 82). Currently UDL can be understood as a framework of principles to guide educational practice and accessible pedagogy. This framework provides flexible forms for submission of information in accordance with the way students process information, respond or demonstrate knowledge and skills, and are engaged. Also "reduce barriers to education, provides accommodation, supports and challenges, and maintains high expectations of achievement for all students" (the Ceresnova et al., 2018, p. 83). The framework and guidelines for UDL are based on research and practice of education, development psychology, cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience (Rose and gravel, 2010). The scope of the UDL is based on three fundamental principles:


provide multiple coupling means;

providing multiple display means; and

providing multiple means of action and expression.

These principles relate means by which students participate in learning means by which information is presented to the student, and the means by which the student is required to express what they know. For the application of the principles of UDL in practice, there are simple strategies that are called Universal Design instructions (UDI). These strategies are used to design instruction for all prospective students with a wide range of capacity (DIS), age, reading level, learning style, native language, race and ethnicity. UDI challenges the instructor proactively to design an accessible course and integrate practice that benefits all students. These strategies can be applied to all aspects of education; including climate instruction, interaction, physical environments and products, delivery methods, resources and technology information, feedback and evaluation (Burgstahler, 2019).

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