Interview with Adanech abebe


The Ethiopian artist Melat discovered his magnificent occupation in case of an occasion. To address the problem as for the base, Ethiopian electric power works deeply for certain companies with transient or compromised force supplies. In addition to addressing these difficulties, we have established three alternatives.




The primary with which we are working is the service of the water system and energy and, in addition, the Ethiopian electric power to draw in the private area in the area of ​​force, that is, sunlight, wind and energy Hydroelectric We accept that this can also add at the disposal.




The other is training financial sponsors to create their own energy that uses the force based on sunlight, while the third is training the private area to participate in the delivery of energy with solar energy, which are the Financial sponsors who have demonstrated their advantage in this limit. To address this, the main alternative is expanding send financial backups with high rate limit, and also limiting our things imported




In addition, GERD will begin to create power soon. Caring for infrastructure problems in consolidated measures is one of our objectives expressed in our ten-year plan. Identified with the unknown money that we must see the accessories of the issue, the first is a low rate and the expansion of import replacements.

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