News from oromia


By the main portion of the twelfth century, the focal point of the force of the Christian kingdom has grown considerably south, in the last zone (an important zone of the architecture of North Focal Ethiopia). From their capital Adela, people of the age tradition (from which this period takes its name), administered on a field that extended many of the current Eritrea to North and Focal Ethiopia. Although restricted evidence on their capital exists, the temples of Lalibela - a city that draws its name from the sovereign wise credited with its creation - remain as a demonstration of creative achievements of this period.




Lalibela incorporates twelve structures related to love which, with an organization of rooms and chambers of liaison, are totally cut or "cut" of living stone. The custom of saving the holy places off rock, checked effectively during past periods, is considered here considered unclear level. The houses of worship, some of which are alone, like Beta Giorgis (St. George Church, image at the top of the page), have more complex and all around the façades characterized. They integrate structural components reduced by structures of the Suite period. In addition, some, like Pete Maryam, highlight dazzling interior designs (above), which are also cut out of stone, as well as artistic creations of divisor. The interior of places of worship can assume components with subsequent components of the Copto-Arab deduction. In Bet Maryam, for example, the building components, for example, cut caps and mirror mirror suites (see below), while the canvases can measure up to those of the archaic monastery of St. Antony at the Red Sea.

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