Colonel Fikireyesus Kebede interview


implementing the NPS-DRM currently lies with FEPRA, a relatively new institution that does not currently have the capacity to live up to its mandate. Establishing a coordination unit under the Mayor will ensure the desired coordination, assure harmonization of efforts, and ultimately result into improved effectiveness in dealing with risk management and climate change challenges. Address localized flooding due to surface water run-off by developing a stormwater drainage master plan and supporting AACRA in assuming its new mandate to manage drainage in the city. There is a strong dependency between urban development, roads and drainage, as existing and new roads interrupt natural drainage patterns. Moreover, stormwater drainage infrastructure is often installed under or adjacent to the road network. The intention of the city to give AACRA the mandate to manage drainage in Addis Ababa is therefore logical from a technical standpoint. Run-off has been increasing due to the expanding areas of hard landscape, resulting in more frequent, but short-lived, flash floods, leading to widespread disruption to the road network. An approach to urban drainage needs to be taken at a city-wide scale, and a new urban drainage master plan should be coordinated with the Integrated Development Plan, based on hydraulic modelling that includes anticipated impacts due to climate change. Moreover, the effective operation of t

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