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Commotion contamination in Addis Ababa city, particularly the noisy clamor from night ballrooms, is often whined about.


In the areas where Addis Media Organization led a study, it was seen that the sound that ought to be heard from night ballrooms is 45 decibels, however in excess of 90 decibels is being transmitted.


The Standing Advisory group on Development and Ecological Security of the Addis Ababa City Chamber visited the harm brought about by the commotion contamination in the night ballrooms.


The director of the standing council, Mrs. Niametullah Kebede, said that the sound coming from the ballrooms was an issue that upset the neighborhood occupants.


Addis Ababa City Natural Security Authority Office additionally encouraged that the contamination ought to be constrained by carrying out the gave rules and systems.


As per Addis Ababa Representative Chief of Ecological Insurance Authority Ato Mulukun Jonas, 36 night ballrooms were exposed to over the top clamor observing and control.

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