TPLF is on the verge of collapse


Do you want to know the truth about why these pastors are only big crooks? Discover some of the most ridiculous crooks that pose pastors in this video! 9 - Kenneth Copeland. Prosperity pastors are some of the country's most popular television preachers. They pack their mega-churches every week and take millions every year. They urge their followers faithful to make a gift generously and in return, the Lord will bring them prosperity. Well, there is no denying some people prospered well - the pastors themselves!



8 - Dollar Créflo. CREFLO DOLLAR is the main pastor and founder of the world's famous nondeminomination church changers at Fulton headquarters in Georgia. His department first launched a cafeteria in 1986 with only eight people. In this meeting, Creelo has collected 100 dollars from people who have shown. 7 - Joel & Victoria Osteen. Joel Osteen is known for his big smile and positive preaching. And oh yeah, and have a ton of money! Since becoming the head of the Lakewood Church of Houston, Osteen grew up the adhesion of the church to more than 40,000 people.



6 years old. Pastor Ed Young is famous for his quote, "God gave me a ferrari because I'm a ferrari!" He said that just after literally led to the pulpit in a Ferrari. Someone gave him a Ferrari decided to drive him on the church scene. He also gone viral after tweeing that he had Ferrari as a gift! 5 - William H. Curtis. Pastor Dr. William H. Curtis is another pastor who is well known for his luxurious taste in cars. Curtis parked his Bentley Bentayga in his church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and attracted the attention of a parishioner who accuses him of ripping the community. A photo of Curtis' Black Bentley has been downloaded on Facebook with legend, "If your pastor leads a Bentley truck, he sucks your dry community with hope and tith."



4 - Vyacheslav Baskakov. The Russian Orthodox Priest Vyacheslav Baskakov has been called for its Instagram positions with extravagant articles from Gucci and Louis Vuitton. Is it in fact wrong for a priest to be fashionable? No, but not when it's just to show! He recorded photos on his Instagram which showed luxury objects such as slippers and gucci moccasins, as well as Louis Vuitton handbags and luggage worth thousands of dollars!


3 - Alph Lukau. Alph Lukau is an extremely popular pastor in South Africa. He has a big next because, according to some of his parishioners, he has the ability to heal a kind of illness! This, and he is able to resurrect people while having a lifestyle like a rapper. Lukau is known for his extravagant lifestyle with cars ranging from Bentleys to Rolls Royals. 2 - Joyce Meyer. Joyce Meyer is a television preacher and President of Joyce Meyer Ministries. It leads an opulent lifestyle filled with fantasy and dear cars. Meyer is another person who preaches "the gospel of prosperity". She said to her audience that if they give to his ministry, God will bless them with their own financial rewards.




1 - Mariam Mbula and Tobi Adeboyega. Does a church encouraged you to get ready for money for you to give them money like a scam? Yeah, it's probably! Pastors Mariam Mbula and Tobi Adeboyega are both cars more than 6 digits. Tobi has a lamborghini with custom plate "Pasteur", while Mariam has a roller royce.

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