Muferiat Kamil full statement


I definitely think we saw them; We saw a critical improvement. We have seen major changes in references in many countries. So, if you have been analyzed in a rural area, you now have a good chance of being found in that area or in a regional medical clinic or in a tertiary emergency clinic. At the same time, there are still many difficulties in many countries and I speak more broadly than Ethiopia alone.




I discuss the situation around the world. From time to time it happens to such a degree that they are not as networked as they should be, for example with the large tertiary emergency clinics where the experts are. I think funding is another test too, now. The coronavirus is putting enormous pressure on wealth. In addition, I think this is a way in which public-private organization is a significant and also useful coordinated effort. For example, if you look at what happened to the Kovacs vaccination, we are the main drug organization that Kovacs works with.




I think we are definitely seeing big changes in Africa now. So if we take something like antibodies from AstraZeneca's point of view, 38 countries in Africa have won so far. We see everything as something we don't use, and we really see it as an antibody to the world. Therefore, our focus and joint efforts with Oxford are very much focused on how we are fully committed to our broad and consistent antibody approvals.


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