Ethiopian News August 13 2021 Mereja Today Abiy Ahmed


The heavy weapons of TPLF fired in the city of Woldia. In the event that the West decides to finish what has been initiated in the conviction that Ethiopia will renounce, it really could boost the public authority to dismiss any proposed or supervised exchange of their perspectives to be unilateral and in this way deepen in their Heel The counterproductive impacts of a particularly poorly adequate methodology are responsible for sustaining the affirmation that the west apparently is trying to pause and destabilize the country.




Ethiopians have never put the power of their precious country for exchange. Independent of philosophical contrast, ethnic, strict or other, which has ended in internecine content letters, they infallibly show an assembled front when the autonomy of Ethiopia is in question.




His wonderful story carries a demonstration of his immovable energy. For them, the balance of Ethiopia is inseparable from the opportunity, the balance, the honor and the safeguard of the public interest. Tragically, the Government of Ethiopia has been found that it needs to shine this political capital towards the construction of the important agreement to withstand the pressure factor that accumulates.




Its impotence to unequivocally address, among others, the stubborn that continue to upset the expansion of the political space, eliminating the typical cost of basic items and their creative hole by the way it is accusing the activity of implementation of the law, only serve To weaken the purpose of Ethiopians.

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