Shocking news about Ethiopia


and long term. Specific recommendations include: Create an implementation ‘business plan’: The implementation of the plan will be facilitated by the preparation of a business plan that identifies priorities and articulates the phasing of works, costs and financing sources, and roles and responsibilities. The city should develop a strong communication plan and consider promoting participation of civil society, transparency, and accountability by creating a website for public information dissemination, monitoring, and updates on the Plan’s progress. Promote coordination at multiple levels: As an “integrated” master plan, its success will depend on the coordination, collaboration, and enforcement of multiple agencies in the city. The preparation of the Integrated Development Plan has benefited from the establishment of a high-level, multi-agency committee. During implementation, this entity should be maintained and institutionally strengthened. In addition, working level technical teams from across agencies should be formed to support and enforce implementation in specific areas of the city (i.e., a high density transit node, a suburban neighborhood, etc.) This could be done on a pilot basis to test its effectiveness.

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