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In business, as Friedman says (1962, 349), the basic idea is to maximize profit "as long as it remains within the rules of the game, which is, participates in open and free competition, without deception or fraud". The role of ethics or ethical deliberation is not obvious in such a game, even if the notions of "deception" and "fraud" are ethical, loaded. However, as Friedman himself says, in the deception of business and fraud are not allowed, but as he shows Vilke (2011a, 2011, 2014), businesses are interconnected with society through many different types of Links that make companies ethical. Practices.


The notion of game, which was used by Friedman, is of central importance. It has a theoretical importance in which allows a methodologically clear and rich approach to business studies: the mathematical theory of games gives a methodological basis for business studies. Von Neumann and Morgenstern (2004, XXXI) establish that "they are trying to follow the best examples of theoretical physics", where the intention is not formal mathematical theorization, but, as Hintikka repeatedly emphasizes (see, for example, Hintikka 2007) , Conceptual study. In the next, some conceptual distinctions are explained.


The theory of the game can also be used to metaphorically characterize commercial practices. Therefore, it is possible, for example, characterizing different types of business games: games played between commercial organizations or corporations, games played between state (public sector) and business organizations, and games played between business organizations and customers. Different games have different rules, and players are not of similar features or background. The difference between a business organization and a client as a player is huge, the players are not equal. The metaphors of the game can be, as evidenced by Von Neumann and Morgenstern (2004), explicit, which is a central task of a logical-conceptual study. The danger with the theoretical approach of the game is that the games and the factors of the games are characterized in a purely formal way, which excludes "substantial" aspects as ethics.

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