Ethio Media Daily Ethiopian news


The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is probably probably the most prepared (if not prepared) compound sanctuaries and follows the return to scriptural events (read Acts 8: 27-39 to discover more). Despite the way in which the assembly offered various joints on "wrongdoing of the emperor love" and "local black magic" concerning the Rastafarian, they were also brought to the front line by the Rastafarian and used it to The branch outside Ethiopia. The assembly in Jamaica was sent by the Emperor Haile Selassie.


There is a huge difference between demand and assembly. The first being the affection of the Emperor Haile Selassie as Messiah / Savior. The rally reported regularly that their reward of the Emperor Haile Selassie was to lead the Rastafarians to reveal it and to go to the love of the god he loved. It is said that on his reappearance of the Ethiopia of Jamaica, the Emperor tended to Abuja Heehaw, the Archbishop of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and reported "there is a problem in Jamaica .... on luck. That it is not so much difficult, help these people. These are erroneous interpretations, they do not seize our lifestyle .... they need an assembly to be installed and picked. "


From the diverse departure in the rastafarial social class welcomes the meeting in all cases when it ended up being exempt at the assembly, a rastafarian should disavow the externality of Haile Selassie, the problems started. The assembly continued to maintain the position of the position it would simply be justified for Jesus Christ and not Haile Selassie.


The other colossal discussion is the strategy of the Rastafarians to take a training, for the current situation of the Ethiopian kings of Solomon and the National Epic, the "Zebra Festin" and applying it to the explication Rastafarian. The "zebra is" which is a true meaning means "brightness of kings" in amharic, the Ethiopian public language, is the national epic of the state-Ethiopia. The assembly is considered as a remarkable recording rather than the feverous backrest which is the view held by the RastaFarians.

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