Ethiopian celebrity

Commissions (or Authority, in Oromiya) and Health Bureau. The MoWR and its consultants made
repeated visits to the regions to explain the WSDP planning process and discuss the basic principles,
approaches, and requirements from the RTC. Large amounts of data and information have been
collected both from the Federal and Regional Government sources, as well as from many other
Another aspect of WSDP preparation was the extended consultative process that had gone into this
exercise. During the formulation process, extensive consultations took place at all levels. At the
national level, two major workshops were organized by the MoWR to review and comment on
various outputs. All major stakeholders participated in these workshops and provided useful
comments and insights. At the regional level, the RTCs have conducted local-level consultative
meetings that involved the grass-roots stakeholders. Development programs in other sectors
(education, health, and road transport) were consulted for their relevant experience. In summary, what
makes WSDP unique as compared to the other sector development programs is that it is based on an
extensive consultative process reflecting inputs ranging from international donors agencies to local
level communities. 
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