Banana mask for facial skin


Banana potassium hydrates dried skin, while zinc and lectin help in the counteraction and treatment of skin break out. Bananas' amino acids are an extraordinary option in contrast to hostile to maturing prescriptions and moisturizers since they fabricate connective tissue and keep the skin's adaptability and solidness. While the banana's vitamin A levels out and smooths the face, the rice flour retains additional oil and fills in as an exfoliant. The utilization of honey to the skin assists with saturating it. Coconut oil will saturate your skin since it contains little Vitamin E, while banana and honey reestablish dampness to your skin and hydrate skin cells. Sandalwood assists with relaxing dry skin, and the lactic corrosive in milk assists with lighting up the shade of skin. Aloe vera gel supports forestalling wrinkle development due to its high cell reinforcement content. Collagen, which can solidify your skin, is created by bananas.

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