Journalist araya amazing speech


On the Empática Front, Rajasingham, the Head of AIDE of the UN, said on the last-day period, the meetings of the UN in Mekelle, Shire and Axum have had the option of moving to several places, an improvement that represented as "positive". The UN at UN now is intended to send troops to difficult districts in districts anyway, its global food program simply has a suitable support for 1,000,000 people for a month in Mekelle, he said.




"This is a small part of what we need," Rajasingham said. "In any case, we have almost run out of prosperity, water, sterilization and other packages of non-food things. Food alone does not displace the starvation."




Rasingham asked "All equipped and security security interpreters" in Tigray to ensure secure access to the road to adapt to trained professionals and supplies, using the fastest and best courses.




He transmitted the alert on Thursday's annihilation of the Tekeze River Interface, "and point by point of damage to two different platforms, which reduce an essential stock course to obtain food and other supplies to save lives".




Rajasingham moved to the Government of Ethiopia "to quickly solve these expansions and, in this way, help him impede the spread of starvation."

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