The people of Bahir Dar Peaceful protest


The affirmation between the writer Gobez Sisay and ESAT. The Director General of the World Food Program (LDC), David Beasley, has reported that food actions in Tigray will end on Friday. The sending of security powers depended on a public safety risk investigation and that the planning was a remarkable participation with the terms of innovation, according to the agent's general. Even though there were numerous elements that have made the political decision safe, Sisay especially expressed gratitude towards individuals for their help.




Predecantination Ethiopia Coordinating Initiative, Negusu Aklilu said that the sixth general election was unique in relation to the different decisions in which the ideological groups met to address their problems. The interest of the Constituent Board, the Government Bodies, the ideological groups, the media, the associations of the Common Society and the different partners, to the extent of the political decision was empowering, he said.




More information referenced the impartiality of the Legal Executive, the security powers, and the media were better than anyone could have expected. CEO of the Ethiopian news agency, Seife DBE reviewed that there were internal and external powers trying to disturb the political decision. However, he focused on which both private sources and public news worked related to Ethiopia to win the political race.




The media are assuming a critical part to alleviate efforts to annihilate Ethiopia even after the time framework for the Policy, He caught attention. The members of the conversation said that the political decision is a front stage in the building of the Popular Government of Ethiopia.

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