Phone call with a father


All along, the Ethiopia Orthodox Church was consolidated with the St. Indication of Alexandria, for a broad stretch. After Abba Selama (in which selam suggests agreement), generally called Frumentius, who was the fundamental pastor of Ethiopia passed on, Ethiopian Bishops were chosen to lead the Ethiopia Orthodox Church. This continued until the completion of the ninety 100 years. (it should be seen that through the authentic background of the Ethiopia Orthodox Church there was constantly an Administrator of the Church who was an Ethiopian, and who could really try not to supersede his Egyptian Peer).


This was an immediate consequence of many reasons: (1) The fathers of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church don't seek after their own radiance, yet that they had rather seen the brightness of others. (2, "A Prophet is without honor in his own country" (John 4:44) is a very respected state by the Ethiopians. (3) If a neighborhood individual is declared Bishop, there was a worry that he, might be charmed and become mostly in his situation to individuals who had blood association with him. (4) Since the tenet of the late fathers deceived Ethiopians from standing firm on such circumstances.


In 1926, after the death of Abuna Mathewos, Emperor Haile Selassie I, then, Ras Tafari, began to wrangle for the course of action of an Ethiopian nearby Bishop to be top of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. It was agreed by His Holiness Patriarch Cyril V and by the Holy Synod of the Coptic Church, and in May 1929, five Ethiopian Bishops were bishoped unprecedented for the authentic background of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Unfortunately, every one of the five Bishops were killed by the Italian powers during the five-year war (1935-1940) by Mussolini.

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