News from woldia and debretabor


Zehabesha interview with Worku Ayynew. Supervisory Party Oromia Branch Public Relationships Head, Taye dendea revealed to ENA that "the TPLF announced that it will be in case it is important to eliminate Ethiopia. In addition, SHENE has said that it will work with the TPLF. This implies that the two of them have A similar goal of Ethiopia Draft. Obviously, they have been working for this purpose together ".




As indicated, the TPLF had presented endless abominations against people from Ethiopia in general and killed numerous oromas, evicting a large part of 1,000,000 of them during their 27 years of government. Therefore, the representatives of the Chamber of People assigned the TPLF and Shene as psychological militant associations.




Shene, who professes to fight for the rights and interests of the public of the Oromo, did not move a finger when the currently couple of her sacrificed orromos during her standard, Taye said. The intrigue of TPLF is to use the Shene meeting to load the Oromo audience, she said her head, discovering that shene has never been considered by the Oromo.




Although they traced and threatened Ethiopians through an extensive stretch, the two meetings never discovered that they worked in a joint effort, Taye caught the attention of attention, taking note that they have now proclaimed the deep association with the world.

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