News from mekele


Ethiopia's slanting and generally unreachable area tended from early occasions to withdraw the nation and contributed much towards the security of its chance in the hour of the Scramble for Africa. 


One of the most enrapturing bits of Ethiopian history, and one which is routinely remarked upon, is the way that the nation saved its chance all through the explorer's time interval. Expansionism consequently happened especially on the seaboard, where the Italians set up the settlement of Eritrea in the late nineteenth century, and for the five years of Mussolini's uncommonly short occupation from 1936 to 1941. A fourth of a century sooner Daniel Thwaite wrote in his African Melting Pot, engraved an "Assessment of Black Nationalism": 


"Ethiopia's Prestige" 


Ethiopia's brightness in Africa resulting upon her fruitful accomplishment in repulsing interference, and in having stayed unconquered dependably, is in each pragmatic sense, incomprehensible. To the Africans if all else fails, not exclusively to people who brought her as a deliverer, she remains as a stone achievement, a living model and disclosure of the standard puissance of the dull race, the sanctum encasing the last blessed sparkle of African political opportunity, the safe stone of faint opposition against white attack, a living picture, an appearance of African freedom."

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