Ethiopia The sad story of the blind married couples


Ethiopia - The sad story of a married couple. Apart from how it happened, the loss was one of the biggest challenges in life. This can feel sudden and annoying. However, loss gives you the opportunity to reflect on what is really important so that you are to keep moving forward.


Losing something you have, or really desirable, can be a summons that are welcomed. Loss forced you to ask yourself, "What about what I eliminate is very valuable to me?" And "What are I willing to do to get what I want?"


Choosing to check your losses through the lens of these questions causes you to judge the true value of what is lost, and why you appreciate it. Having a clear understanding of what you appreciate and why you appreciate it, is the key to being a better person because it provides the integrity of your words & actions.


Reviewing decisions and actions that make you fail is a very valuable exercise. Understanding how the decisions you make cause certain behavior and actions can prevent you from making the same mistakes again.

Sample Category #2
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