
lula gezu


Toward the finish of the financial year, work is being finished to arrive at in excess of 61 thousand kilometers of street inclusion in the Oromia locale.


Toward the finish of the ongoing financial year, the Streets and Planned operations Agency of the district has declared that arriving at 61 thousand 513.97 kilometers of street inclusion in the Oromia region is working.


The top of the workplace, Architect Helen Tamru, let Fana Broadcasting Partnership know that 413.88 kilometers of new streets were built in the last 50% of the financial year.


He expressed that the street inclusion of the district which was 58 thousand 981 point 30 kilometers last year has arrived at 59 thousand 381 point 33 kilometers.


He additionally reviewed that the street inclusion of the locale was 8 thousand 507 kilometers in 1985/86.


In a portion of a year, nine extensions were fabricated and finished, and 4 thousand 298 kilometers of streets were fixed, Specialist Helen said.


He said that more than 148.7 million Birr was spent for this.


He expressed that in the finished portion of the financial year, the workplace has executed 123.3 percent of the arrangement and has spent in excess of 964 million birr on administrations.


The top of the workplace made sense of that the development and upkeep of new streets were finished by the administrative and state legislatures as well as the local area.


Then again, the development of a coordinated bus stop in Shashemene city was additionally referenced.

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