Dr. Abiy delivered a strong message from Adama today


Shared outside completed as a Strategy and Research Strategy Focus Foundation notwithstanding his consulting work to the Senior Administrator. He was also responsible for a gigantic sugar creation company, and it is generally attributed to an extraordinary degassing area that prompted chapter 11 of the billions of bird sugar. Known for its obstinut remains to protect the belief system of the Liberation Front of the Gray Ti People, which experts in the restriction district, with the exception of a motivation ethno-bullhead, focused on the richness for Ti Gray at the expense of Rest of Ethiopia, it is also on the aggressive PLF classes more elite engulfed about the capture of legislators in the resistance district.




Although the end on the part of the absence has been obtained as a new edifying, there are voices that question the reason why the absence share is not considered responsible for what individuals Accepted as a fantastic embarrassment he submitted as leader of sugar adventure, in addition to other things.

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