Air Force took action today


"For the good of God, does not call his name let him find happiness in the afterlife" - the dispute of Simegnew architect groups. Simegnew Simegnew was introduced in the world on September 13, 1964 and died on July 26, 2018. Before transforming the project manager for Gerd, Simegnew engineer focused on the development of two other important dam projects - Gilgel Gibe I and Gilgel GIBE II.




The people who realized the Simegnew engineer described him as someone who was very energetic. He had devoted himself as much as he remembers the future of Ethiopia by contributing what he could, who was his design capabilities. The death of the Simegnew designer started to distinguish in Addis Ababa asking for equity for what they accepted was his death. A large number of individuals gathered in Meskel Square and along MENELIK II Avenue in Addis Ababa to observe his burial service heading for Kidest Selassie Church on July 29, 2018.




Finally, the Large Ethiopian Renaissance Bar went from the shores of Nile Blue to transform into construction that the engineer imagined systematically. The Simegnew architect would have been very pleased to see the GERD complete the main period of development and see the start of supply filling.




Like WeaSpire, we may want to recall the gigantic commitment of the Simegnew engineer in the development of the GERD and offer our colossal thanks to him and his family. May his mind rest in eternal peace.

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