Is defense force retreating ?


Safety is also a significant explanation that obstructs the enlistment of the voter. The distinguished President West Wollega, East Wollega, Qhem and Horo Gudru as zonal organizations in the Oromia district that have security problems. She liked the dynamic participation of the local government to recognize the territories with safety hazards while she expressed that the circumstance of liquid safety in those spaces had restricted them to suspend the enlistment of citizens there. Likewise, she expressed she said that the Benishangul-Gumuz place has given them, although late, with data that distinguish the data that has security problems in the Kamashe area.


The citizen enlistment was also suspended in Shewa Robit, Shewa Robit, Majeste, Majeste, Efeson and Argoba, exceptional Purún Oromia and Zones Shoá north of the Amehara District, according to Birtukan. In addition, she said that elector enrollment has begun in Majestte in the afternoon. Sway Hemera and Sekota are also different spaces of the Amhara area, where the citizen enlistment has been suspended due to containment with the Tigray district. She claimed that elector enlistment is in progress in the rest of the district.


In the southern nations, the nationalities and the area of ​​peoples, the enrollment of the voter has been suspended in Gura Ferda (four kebels), surgeal Purnommon and Zelma, Birtukan clarified. Although he did not have the president, the reporter has discovered that security, along with transport problems, was one of the reasons for the suspension of citizen enlistment in the areas of A Favar and Somali.

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