Getachew reda secret revealed


In his meeting with the National Public Radio (NPR), the power expressed: "Indeed, the militarization of the conflict constantly deteriorates, permanently in the day. You have the public authority who does not try to go to the harmony table for a complete speech, still rather sending powers. You see the renegades inside Tigray who need a triumph by crushing viable the Ethiopian government, the Eritrean powers and the voluntary army, and came out of enormous field areas. However, these revolutionaries push and try to take an area that they have not been involved in Ethiopia. So, I imagine that the image is clear. "




With regard to the work of the United States to intercede at the different sides, it examined that the Organization Biden has appointed Jeffery Feelman, a representative prepared as special envoy to the Horn of Africa, and he tries to organize the Combat gatherings.




"The felt-felt works constantly in the background to try to bring gatherings to the arrangement table. The gatherings seem to accept that they can win this militarily. In addition, people who become trapped, are obviously like Usually, regular people, "said Samantha, stressing that ordinary people pay the most extreme spending of the conflict.




"What is considerably more darkened, it is the states of frenetic citizens inside Tigray on the grounds that the entry was seriously embarrassed," presented Samantha by presenting the circumstance of Tigray, adding: "when the powers And the Ethiopian authorities left Tigray. So, he had a kind of island where inside - there is surely not the savagery that was happening before these powers. Whatever it's, Indoor individuals went practically inconceivable to help people. "

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