TPLF leaders arrested


Seifu Fantahun spoke with Seam's sister Egiju, the steward of the airline that was captured in Turkey in so late. The general general of the East African waiting force, General of Brigade, Getachew Shifeaw, said, for its part, the preparation will help the police who are in a peacekeeping mission to complete their main objective competently.


Approximately 47 Major police officers of East Africa have participated in the 11 days of length that is prepared coordinated at the University of the Ethiopia Police located around there, Oromia Region.


The waiting force of East Africa is a territorial association whose commandment is to improve harmony and safety in the East African Area. Likewise, it will be completely added to normal harmony, development and the improvement of the locality, he said.


It consists of 10 states of the part, is one of the five provincial multidimensional forces of the African waiting force with military, police and regular citizens.

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