In Eritrea's eyes, "the new weapons are fallen forests".


In the quiet twilight of a coastal town, where the rhythmic lullaby of crashing waves meets the distant calls of seagulls, a sense of timeless tranquility envelops the landscape. The salty breeze, tinged with the scent of brine and adventure, carries stories whispered by the ancient rocks that guard the shoreline. The sun, on the cusp of dipping below the horizon, paints the sky in hues of amber and lavender, casting a warm glow over the weathered facades of seaside cottages. As the day gently surrenders to the embrace of night, the soft glow of streetlights begins to dance on the cobblestone streets, inviting wanderers to meander through narrow alleys steeped in maritime history. In this coastal haven, where time seems to stretch and contract with the ebb and flow of the tides, a serenity settles, offering a brief respite from the hustle of the world beyond the waves.

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