Ethiopian News March 3 2022 Mereja Today Abiy Ahmed


The overall ideal that enthusiastic love is fundamental for marriage is completely new. In his book in the historical context of the marriage, Stephanie Koontz (2005) shows that this ideal has previously been predominant about two centuries before: "Individuals have always experienced passionate feelings of passionate, and throughout the ages, many couples have adorable. In any case, just rarely in history has been considered the main purpose of being tied. "Koontz also supports that" in many societies, love has been considered an attractive result of marriage, but not like a valid justification to be hitched in all cases ".




Essentially, Pascal Bruckner (2013) argues that before, the marriage has been consecrated, and love, on the chances of interval that it existed by any stretch of the imagination, was a kind of reward. Since the affection has become considered essential in marriage, love is considered damn and marriage as optional.

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