Ebs journalist Nafkot Tigstu son birthday celebration


Journalist ebs nafkot tigstu son birthday celebration


Nafkot Tigistu is an EBS journalist who hosts Sunday with EBS with people like Asfaw Meshesha.


The state of the people of southwestern ethiopia calls for investors to invest in the region




 The state of South West Ethiopia has asked people in the state to invest in minerals, spices, and livestock.




He said the state had created favorable conditions for investors in this sector.




Temesgen Kebede, the Head of the Regional Trade and Investment Bureau, said it would be useful to invest in the territory of the southwestern Ethiopia, which is rich in natural resources.




He also said that a system had been formed to enable investors in this sector to succeed in their efforts by reducing problems in government institutions.




He said the availability of land, efficient and competitive personnel will also increase the success of this sector.




He asked investors to invest in spices, honey, and coffee with high yields in the region.

Sample Category #2
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