General tefera at raya


Bananas and avocados can help restore excellence and brightness. Bananas have amino acids that help with hair shielding natural damage and citrus extract that make hair bright. The avocados contain nutrients and bus with the rich oils that are consumed effortlessly on the scalp. Elements of a smooth hair product of organic products are suitable for eating, and can extract the normal brightness of your hair.




In a blender, mix half of a banana and half an avocado with a couple of melon pieces and a pair of tablespoons of natural yogurt. In the possibility of off that your hair is severely damaged, break a nutrient container in the mixture. Mix the mixture until it is soft and rubbed into the hair and the scalp. Cover your head with a shower cap and let the combination feel for 30 minutes.




Wash the smoothie with cold water in a sink with waste disposal to try not to obstruct the bath channel. Wash your hair with a cleaner and cold water. Yogurt and avocado saturate their scalp, while acids in the banana and melon condition the hair to extract the brightness. This veil can be applied week after the week case by case. In a bowl, pumpkin a part of a ready banana and half a avocado ready with a fork. In another bowl, it exceeds an entire egg until it is completely mixed. Add 3 tablespoons of milk and 3 tablespoons of nectar to eggs and mix well. Add the egg combination to the combination of bananas and mix them in one of the dishes or in the blender.




Dispute the cover over your hair and scalp, considering you get it in the underlying bases of your hair. Cover your head with a shower cap and handing it for 30 minutes. Rinse and wash the hair with the hair cover of the organic product. Additional protein in this hair veil feeds the skin of the nail of the scalp and hair. In addition, the veil is being saturate for dry hair and chip forests. You can apply this week after the week case by case.

Sample Category #1
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