
Defense force breaking news


The hypothesis of irregularity is included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (to which Ethiopia is a signatory and rejoined by reference to (1) Article 13 (2) of the Ethiopian Constitution); 2) The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) (to which Ethiopia is a signatory confers on Art. 14 (2) (as) (Article 9 (4); and 3) the African Charter human rights and people (ACH PR) (to which Ethiopia is a signatory) under Art. 7 (b).




The hypothesis of honesty and tourbillon side, the weight of the indictment to demonstrate the defendant's blame after sensitive uncertainty speaks to the "brilliant chain" that crosses the texture of the criminal laws of each casting country. (See Article 13 of the Ethiopian Constitution "; and Article 141 of the Ethiopian rules of the criminal proceedings" when the indictment case is closed, the Court, in the event that it finds that anyone of proof Against the blameworthy people was made for which, if refuted, would justify his belief, will record a request for justification. ")




It is the lonely obligation of the indictment speaking to the State to introduce convincing and legally eligible evidence before the court to persuade the Court that the accused to blame is blame for the accusations placed by uncertainty. sensible.

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