
Ethiopian artist secret revealed


The bracelet called on the Ethiopian government to introduce Tigray to its office and other UN experts, "with the ultimate goal of identifying current real-world factors and increasing liability by putting a bit of brains on connected actors".




"Without a prompt, reasonable and clear assessment and given that this careful assessment is reliable, I fear that the procedure will continue to be put forward without the expected consequences and the situation will remain unstable for a long time," he said.




In addition, seven days before the arrest of the journalist and mediator working for environmental and world media, the cuff expressed concern about the arrest.




At the handover, focus on the statement by one of the organization's employees that those responsible for "cheating the entire media" would be considered cautious.




There was no immediate response to the United Nations approval by Prime Minister Abi Ahmed, the Tigray Association or the TPLF.




Tigrei has been in control since early November 2020 when Abiy announced military exercises against the TPLF and reprimanded them for attacking government-equipped power camps.


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