Henok Dinku dancing with his new girlfriend Ethiopia


Henok and Melat are virtuoso life ornament's some time back. In any case, over an extended time quickly the affection that related them had become dull over the long haul and they cut off up their association. Presently, they have an opportunity to sit again together on this occasion show.


Expert Mayor, Adanech Abebe, allowed a victory to Amudin Tesfa Berhan Food Center in Addis Ketema Sub-City.


Ace Mayor Adanech Abebe, close by MIDROC Investment Group CEO Jamal Ahmed, cherished the event with a dinner at the Amudin Tesfaberhan Center in Addis Ketema Somali Region.


Delegate Mayor of Addis Ababa, Adanech Abebe, said she is glad to praise the event with the close by who advantage from the middle's food alliance.


Contemplating a confirmed worry for the city association and inhabitants, they offered enormous by virtue of MIDROC Investment Group for its help.


MIDROC Investment Group Chief Executive Officer, Jamal Ahmed, on his part said MIDROC has given 6 Bacillus anthracis bulls to Hope Light Feeding Centers in the six sub-metropolitan affiliations.


The Amudi Hope Light Food Center has been serving sustenance for 2,000 individuals who couldn't eat once constantly since May.

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