
Our marriage broke up because my wife was in love with a white guy - Tilahun Gugsa


In the quietude of a moonlit night, the world seemed to hold its breath, wrapped in a serene tapestry of shadows and silver light. A gentle breeze whispered through the rustling leaves, orchestrating a symphony of nature that echoed through the stillness. The stars above, like distant storytellers, painted constellations across the vast canvas of the cosmos. Amidst this cosmic ballet, one could feel the palpable magic of existence, an intricate dance of time and space unfurling in the cosmic theater. It was a moment where the mundane and the mystical converged, inviting contemplation on the boundless mysteries that lay beyond the veil of the night sky. As the world slumbered, dreams and reveries floated in the cool air, weaving ephemeral tales that danced on the edges of consciousness.

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